25 Reasons to book Seafarer

We are celebrating our 25th birthday this year

And to mark this momentous occasion we wanted to share with you 25 valid reasons for you to book your next summer holiday afloat with Seafarer. Of course, many of you already know us well enough to not need reminding and have either already booked or will soon be doing so, but have a read anyway, you may discover something you didn’t already know about us. last but not least as our birthday present to you, there are some great offers around the ’25’ theme so read on !

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We are sorry if we come across as somewhat obsessed with the number 25 at the moment (though it took less than 25 people less than 25 days to compile this list) but it is our 25th Birthday after all. If it’s your 25th birthday as well, we will sing you ‘Happy Birthday’ buy you a bottle of wine and a birthday cake whilst you are on holiday with us!

Watch this space for a number of events both in the UK and abroad to mark Seafarer’s 25th Birthday.