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Trying Yacht Sailing for the First Time
A cruise to Meganisi I've always loved the idea of sailing a yacht. Having the freedom to visit beautiful coves, view the sunset over the ocean and sail under your own steam. Harnessing the power of the wind has always held such a strong appeal! I've done some dinghy sailing as a child, but certainly… -
New Winter Sailing Courses In Greece
We have long recognized that the Mediterranean sailing season could be much longer than it is and that the weather is suitable for sailing for all of November and into early December in parts of Greece. The same goes for February and early spring, with sunny days being the rule rather than the exception from… -
MAD about the Beach Club
From our lame excuse of a sailor, currently beached in Greece As if the vicissitudes of lockdown were not enough for a sociable old salt, Captain Mad, our favourite man about the Seven Seas, ‘kneeded’ major surgery on his left leg at the back end of 2019, rendering him somewhat less than nimble about deck.… -
Sailing Hidden Greece
Four Days exploring the Gulf of Corinth So there I was, standing on an empty ferry quay in Aigio when suddenly a very large Seafarer Flag rounded the headland. Minutes later I stepped aboard Eugenia and was greeted by a warm welcome from the Saronic Gulf & Corinth Canal Flotilla lead crew. I had travelled… -
Do the Theory Now & Train Later
Start Training as a Skipper during lockdown Have you ever wanted to train to skipper your own yacht but have never had a chance? Well now could be the time. With the current situation, some people have found themselves with less on their hands than normal and Seafarer has put together some amazing theory now,… -
Best Sailing Films Of All Time
Seafarer's favourite sailing films While were all stuck indoors self isolating one way to lift the spirits for upcoming sailing adventures is watch some films about adventures on the ocean sea. The situation we find ourselves in has endeavored us to write a list of some of our favourite sailing films whether its crossing oceans… -
25 Reasons to book Seafarer
We are celebrating our 25th birthday this year And to mark this momentous occasion we wanted to share with you 25 valid reasons for you to book your next summer holiday afloat with Seafarer. Of course, many of you already know us well enough to not need reminding and have either already booked or will… -
What’s on at Nikiana Beach Club in 2020
Watersports for all at our Greek Island Beach Club 2019 was a great year at Nikiana Beach Club with loads of people getting on the water and many smiles all round. A few times I remember looking around and seeing empty sunbeds and a bustling sailing area which is always nice. Here is an overview… -
Girls Only Courses with Seafarer in 2020
Girls Only Courses in Greece and Southampton New for 2020 we’ve started running girls only training courses at our bases in the UK and Greece. We will be running RYA Competent Crew and RYA Day Skipper along with weekend refresher courses and mile builders. These are taught by our resident female instructors. We believe that… -
Why we love the Kefalonia Flotilla
We’re about to start our 5th year of the Kefalonia Flotilla it is no accident that it keeps popping up on our brochure covers, the last 4 to be precise. Is this a coincidence or is it because this area is so incredibly picturesque with a wonderful variety of places to visit, all in one…
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